This application which is used to calculate various financial problems is free to use on GitHub and you can download the code through this link. You can use the executable file to start the application once it is up there. The application has been updated to the Tkinter version instead of using wxPython because after various considerations I have decided it is in my best interest to develop the application with Tkinter instead of wxPython.
How to use this application :
1) Enter the amount of the present or future sum of money into the Amount text box.
2) Enter the length of the period you want to calculate into the Period text box.
3) Select the interest rate per interest period from the combo box.
4) If you want to calculate the future sum of money then you can check the Present Sum check box or else leave it unchecked!
5) Click the calculate button to calculate the present or future sum of money.
Let us try out these examples:
1) You have put $500 worth of US dollars in the cryptocurrency bank with a 15% annual interest return, how much money will you get at the end of the third year?
Enter the data into the application as shown below and click the calculate button.
2) If you want to make $10,000 US dollars at the end of three years in the cryptocurrency bank with a 3% annual interest return, how much money do you need to put in that cryptocurrency bank at this moment?
Enter the data into the application as shown below and click the calculate button.
Latest feature:
1) Uniform Payment Series, A:- Use this to find the future sum of money you will get if you invest the uniform amount of money for the n period of time!
How to use it:-
1) Enter the uniform amount into the Amount text box
2) Enter the Period of time
3) Select the interest rate
4) Check the Uniform Series checkbox!
You have entered a uniform amount of money (300 USD), how much money will you get at the end of 3 years if the interest rate per interest period is 5%?
This page will keep on updating so stay tuned!